Bresc BV

Avocado-tomato tartare with tortilla crisps


  • 10 avocados
  • 50 g Bresc WOKchilli
  • 1 ¼ red onion in half rings
  • 50 g Bresc Peperoncini marinati
  • 5 tomatoes
  • 5 handfuls coriander, chopped
  • 3 limes
  • 5 wheat tortillas
  • 10 dl crème fraîche
  • 3 dl whipping cream
  • 250 g Bresc Tomato salsa
  • 25 tortilla chips
  • a splash of oil
  • salt and pepper

Preparation method

Preheat the oven to 150°C. Stir the crème fraîche into the whipping cream and season with salt and pepper. Fill the Kidde (whipping siphon), using 1 cartridge. Chop the tortilla chips to make a crunch. Cut the wheat tortillas in the required shape and bake them in the oven for 10 minutes until they are crisp. Drop the tomatoes in boiling water, then iced water to peel them, remove the seeds and chop the flesh into concassé. Peel the avocados and chop them into a coarse tartare. Flavour it with the WOKchilli, peperoncini marinati, tomato, half the coriander, olive oil, the juice of the lime and salt and pepper. Press the tartare into a cutter and garnish with the crunch, biscuits and coriander. Serve the foamy crème fraîche and tomato salsa on top.

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