- 2 spring chickens
- 300 g cavolo nero (black cabbage)
- 40 g Balsamic vinegar
- 0.5 dl olive oil
- 10 g Bresc Garlic puree
- 20 g Bresc Pomodori marinati
- 20 g Bresc Red chilli puree
- 1 lemon
- salt and pepper
Used bresc products
Preparation method
Preheat the oven to 180°C, grill setting. Wash and chop the cabbage. Cut the spring chickens in half. Grate the lemon and mix the grated peel and half the lemon’s juice, ¾ of the oil, the pomodori marinati, garlic and the red chilli puree. Rub the sauce into the chicken. Put the chicken in the oven and place a drip tray under it. Grill the spring chickens for 20 to 25 minutes until they are crisp. Turn them regularly, pouring the liquid over the chickens. Stir-fry the cabbage and season with salt, pepper and a little balsamic vinegar.
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