Bresc BV

Christmas-wreath biscuits with ras el hanout

Christmas-wreath biscuits with ras el hanout

Used bresc products


  • 250 g flour
  • 190 g unsalted butter, in small cubes
  • 125 g soft white sugar
  • 25 g Bresc Ras el hanout
  • 1 egg
  • 3 orange (grated peel) 

Preparation method

Mix all the ingredients to make a smooth dough. Leave the dough to rest for 45 minutes in the fridge. Dust a work surface with flour and roll out the dough to a thickness of approx. half a centimetre. Cut out star shapes with a cutter. Cut out the centres of the stars with a cutter. Bake the biscuits in the middle of the oven at 160 ℃ for approx. 15 minutes.