Bresc BV

Guinea-fowl with hotchpotch 2.0

Guinea-fowl with hotchpotch 2.0

Used bresc products


  • 250 g Bresc premium basil pesto 
  • 10 guinea-fowl fillets, with skin
  • 10 potatoes, waxy
  • 5 large carrots
  • salt and pepper

For the onions:

  • 15 onions, white
  • 375 g Bresc premium basil pesto 
  • 125 g butter
  • 3 dl white wine
  • 3 dl cream
  • 10 sprigs salad pea

Preparation method

Loosen the skin of the guinea-fowl a little and spread the pesto generously under the skin. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and vacuum-seal it. Cook guinea-fowl sous-vide at 62 ℃ for 90 minutes. Slice the carrots and potatoes in +/- 0.5-cm slices. Slide them onto a skewer and carve it into the shape of a carrot. Slice the onions into rings and braise them in the butter with the white wine and cream. Season with the braised onions with the pesto, salt and pepper. Cook the carrot-potato skewer in plenty of water for about 15 minutes. Spoon the onions onto a plate and fry the guinea-fowl à la minute until it is golden-brown. Serve the guinea-fowl on a plate and garnish it with the hotchpotch “carrots”. Finish it off with drops of the braising liquid and a sprig of salad pea.