Bresc BV

Cockles with noodles


  • 3 k pullet carpet shells
  • 3 k cockles
  • 100 g Bresc Garlic chopped
  • 100 g shallot, chopped
  • 25 g Bresc WOKchilli
  • 2 bunch coriander, coarsely chopped
  • 75 g Bresc Lemongrass puree
  • oil for frying
  • fish sauce
  • freshly ground black pepper 
  • 3 packet noodles
  • 50 g Bresc WOKchilli
  • 3 dl white wine
  • 5 lemons

Preparation method

Soak the noodles in plenty of water for 1 to 2 minutes, drain and rinse them with cold water. Rinse the shells well in cold water, at least twice to wash out any sand. Discard any broken shells or shells that do not close themselves immediately (when you tap them). Take a large pan and add some oil. Put the shells in the pan and sprinkle ample amounts of pepper over it immediately. Then, add the garlic, shallot, WOKchilli and lemongrass puree. Fry briefly until the shells open and moisture is released. Then add the wine and stew for another minute. In the meantime, stir-fry the noodles in some hot oil and season with a little fish sauce, chilli pieces and ground pepper. Serve with lemon and fried noodles and sprinkle the coarsely chopped coriander over them.

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